XAMS - amstrax datastructure

This page is an autogenerated reference for all the plugins in amstrax.context.xams-context.

Colors indicate data kinds. To load tables with different data kinds, you currently need more than one get_df (or get_array) commands.



Provided by plugin: EventInfo

Data kind: events

(no plugin description)

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
endtime int64 Exclusive end time since unix epoch [ns]
cs1 float32 Corrected area of main S1 [PE]
cs2 float32 Corrected area of main S2 [PE]
alt_cs1 float32 Corrected area of alternate S1 [PE]
alt_cs2 float32 Corrected area of alternate S2 [PE]
n_peaks int32 Number of peaks in the event
drift_time float32 Drift time between main S1 and S2 in ns
event_number int64 Event number in this dataset
s1_index int32 Main S1 peak index in event
alt_s1_index int32 Alternate S1 peak index in event
s1_time int64 Main S1 start time since unix epoch [ns]
alt_s1_time int64 Alternate S1 start time since unix epoch [ns]
s1_center_time int64 Main S1 weighted center time since unix epoch [ns]
alt_s1_center_time int64 Alternate S1 weighted center time since unix epoch [ns]
s1_endtime int64 Main S1 end time since unix epoch [ns]
alt_s1_endtime int64 Alternate S1 end time since unix epoch [ns]
s1_area float32 Main S1 area, uncorrected [PE]
alt_s1_area float32 Alternate S1 area, uncorrected [PE]
s1_n_channels int16 Main S1 count of contributing PMTs
alt_s1_n_channels int16 Alternate S1 count of contributing PMTs
s1_n_hits int16 Main S1 count of hits contributing at least one sample to the peak
alt_s1_n_hits int16 Alternate S1 count of hits contributing at least one sample to the peak
s1_max_pmt int16 Main S1 PMT number which contributes the most PE
alt_s1_max_pmt int16 Alternate S1 PMT number which contributes the most PE
s1_max_pmt_area float32 Main S1 area in the largest-contributing PMT (PE)
alt_s1_max_pmt_area float32 Alternate S1 area in the largest-contributing PMT (PE)
s1_range_50p_area float32 Main S1 width, 50% area [ns]
alt_s1_range_50p_area float32 Alternate S1 width, 50% area [ns]
s1_range_90p_area float32 Main S1 width, 90% area [ns]
alt_s1_range_90p_area float32 Alternate S1 width, 90% area [ns]
s1_rise_time float32 Main S1 time between 10% and 50% area quantiles [ns]
alt_s1_rise_time float32 Alternate S1 time between 10% and 50% area quantiles [ns]
s1_area_fraction_top float32 Main S1 fraction of area seen by the top PMT array
alt_s1_area_fraction_top float32 Alternate S1 fraction of area seen by the top PMT array
s1_tight_coincidence int16 Main S1 Channel within tight range of mean
alt_s1_tight_coincidence int16 Alternate S1 Channel within tight range of mean
s1_n_saturated_channels int16 Main S1 Total number of saturated channels
alt_s1_n_saturated_channels int16 Alternate S1 Total number of saturated channels
alt_s1_interaction_drift_time float32 Drift time using alternate S1 [ns]
alt_s1_delay int32 Time between main and alternate S1 [ns]
s2_index int32 Main S2 peak index in event
alt_s2_index int32 Alternate S2 peak index in event
s2_time int64 Main S2 start time since unix epoch [ns]
alt_s2_time int64 Alternate S2 start time since unix epoch [ns]
s2_center_time int64 Main S2 weighted center time since unix epoch [ns]
alt_s2_center_time int64 Alternate S2 weighted center time since unix epoch [ns]
s2_endtime int64 Main S2 end time since unix epoch [ns]
alt_s2_endtime int64 Alternate S2 end time since unix epoch [ns]
s2_area float32 Main S2 area, uncorrected [PE]
alt_s2_area float32 Alternate S2 area, uncorrected [PE]
s2_n_channels int16 Main S2 count of contributing PMTs
alt_s2_n_channels int16 Alternate S2 count of contributing PMTs
s2_n_hits int16 Main S2 count of hits contributing at least one sample to the peak
alt_s2_n_hits int16 Alternate S2 count of hits contributing at least one sample to the peak
s2_max_pmt int16 Main S2 PMT number which contributes the most PE
alt_s2_max_pmt int16 Alternate S2 PMT number which contributes the most PE
s2_max_pmt_area float32 Main S2 area in the largest-contributing PMT (PE)
alt_s2_max_pmt_area float32 Alternate S2 area in the largest-contributing PMT (PE)
s2_range_50p_area float32 Main S2 width, 50% area [ns]
alt_s2_range_50p_area float32 Alternate S2 width, 50% area [ns]
s2_range_90p_area float32 Main S2 width, 90% area [ns]
alt_s2_range_90p_area float32 Alternate S2 width, 90% area [ns]
s2_rise_time float32 Main S2 time between 10% and 50% area quantiles [ns]
alt_s2_rise_time float32 Alternate S2 time between 10% and 50% area quantiles [ns]
s2_area_fraction_top float32 Main S2 fraction of area seen by the top PMT array
alt_s2_area_fraction_top float32 Alternate S2 fraction of area seen by the top PMT array
s2_tight_coincidence int16 Main S2 Channel within tight range of mean
alt_s2_tight_coincidence int16 Alternate S2 Channel within tight range of mean
s2_n_saturated_channels int16 Main S2 Total number of saturated channels
alt_s2_n_saturated_channels int16 Alternate S2 Total number of saturated channels
alt_s2_interaction_drift_time float32 Drift time using alternate S2 [ns]
alt_s2_delay int32 Time between main and alternate S2 [ns]
s1_max_diff int32 Main S1 largest time difference between apexes of hits [ns]
alt_s1_max_diff int32 Alternate S1 largest time difference between apexes of hits [ns]
s1_min_diff int32 Main S1 smallest time difference between apexes of hits [ns]
alt_s1_min_diff int32 Alternate S1 smallest time difference between apexes of hits [ns]
s2_x float32 Main S2 reconstructed X position, uncorrected [cm]
s2_y float32 Main S2 reconstructed Y position, uncorrected [cm]
alt_s2_x float32 Alternate S2 reconstructed X position, uncorrected [cm]
alt_s2_y float32 Alternate S2 reconstructed Y position, uncorrected [cm]
area_before_main_s2 float32 Sum of areas before Main S2 [PE]
large_s2_before_main_s2 float32 The largest S2 before the Main S2 [PE]
s2_x_cgr float32 Main S2 cgr-reconstructed X position, uncorrected [cm]
s2_y_cgr float32 Main S2 cgr-reconstructed Y position, uncorrected [cm]
alt_s2_x_cgr float32 Alternate S2 cgr-reconstructed X position, uncorrected [cm]
alt_s2_y_cgr float32 Alternate S2 cgr-reconstructed Y position, uncorrected [cm]
x float32 Main interaction x-position
y float32 Main interaction y-position
r float32 Main interaction r-position
alt_s2_r float32 Alternative S2 interaction (rel. main S1) r-position


%3 event_info event_info event_basics event_basics event_info->event_basics corrected_areas corrected_areas event_info->corrected_areas event_positions event_positions event_info->event_positions events events event_basics->events peak_basics peak_basics event_basics->peak_basics peak_positions peak_positions event_basics->peak_positions corrected_areas->event_basics corrected_areas->event_positions event_positions->event_basics events->peak_basics peaks peaks events->peaks peak_basics->peaks peak_positions->peak_basics peak_positions->peaks records records peaks->records raw_records raw_records records->raw_records pulse_counts pulse_counts pulse_counts->raw_records raw_records_ext raw_records_ext

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
allow_posts2_s1s False <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Allow S1s past the main S2 to become the main S1 and S2
allow_sloppy_chunking True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Use a default baseline for incorrectly chunked fragments. This is a kludge for improperly converted XENON1T data.
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_positions,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_basics,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
check_peak_sum_area_rtol 0.0001 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Check if the area of the sum-wf is the same as the total area (if the area of the peak is positively defined). Set to None to disable.
check_raw_record_overlaps True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
default_reconstruction_algorithm cgr <OMITTED> (event_positions,) default reconstruction algorithm that provides (x,y)
diagnose_sorting False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Enable runtime checks for sorting and disjointness
electron_drift_time_gate 1 <OMITTED> (event_positions,) Electron drift time from the gate in ns
electron_drift_velocity 0.000002 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Vertical electron drift velocity in cm/ns (1e4 m/ms)
electron_drift_velocity 0.000002 <OMITTED> (event_positions,) Vertical electron drift velocity in cm/ns (1e4 m/ms)
elife 30000 <OMITTED> (corrected_areas,) electron lifetime in [ns] (should be implemented in db soon)
event_s1_min_coincidence 0 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Event level S1 min coincidence. Should be >= s1_min_coincidence in the peaklet classification
force_alt_s2_in_max_drift_time True <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Make sure alt_s2 is in max drift time starting from main S1
force_main_before_alt False <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Make the alternate S1 (and likewise S2) the main S1 if occurs before the main S1.
gain_to_pe_array None <OMITTED> (peaks,) Gain to pe array
hit_min_amplitude xams_thresholds <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. See amstrax.hit_min_amplitude in hitfinder_thresholds.py for options.
left_event_extension 500000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the left from each triggering peak
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
max_drift_length 10 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Total length of the TPC from the bottom of gate to the top of cathode wires [cm]
n_tpc_pmts False 5 (peaks,) Number of channels
n_tpc_pmts <OMITTED> 5 (records, pulse_counts) Number of TPC channels
peak_gap_threshold 300 <OMITTED> (peaks,) No hits for this many ns triggers a new peak
peak_left_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns left of hits in peaks
peak_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_min_pmts 1 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_right_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns right of hits in peaks
peak_split_min_height 25 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum height in PE above a local sum waveformminimum, on either side, to trigger a split
peak_split_min_ratio 4 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum ratio between local sum waveformminimum and maxima on either side, to trigger a split
pmt_pulse_filter None <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Linear filter to apply to pulses, will be normalized.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
right_event_extension 50000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the right from each triggering peak
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
s1_max_area_fraction_top 0.2 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum area fraction top for S1s
s1_max_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum (IQR) width of S1s
s1_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S1s
s1_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S1s
s1_min_width 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum (IQR) width of S1s
s2_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S2s
s2_min_area_fraction_top 0 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area fraction top for S2s
s2_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S2s
s2_min_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum width for S2s
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
save_outside_hits (3, 20) <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest
single_channel_peaks False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Whether single-channel peaks should be reported
trigger_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (events,) Peaks must have more area (PE) than this to cause events



Provided by plugin: CorrectedAreas

Data kind: events

Plugin which applies light collection efficiency maps and electron life time to the data.

Computes the cS1/cS2 for the main/alternative S1/S2 as well as the corrected life time. Note:

Please be aware that for both, the main and alternative S1, the area is corrected according to the xy-position of the main S2. There are now 3 components of cS2s: cs2_top, cS2_bottom and cs2. cs2_top and cs2_bottom are corrected by the corresponding maps, and cs2 is the sum of the two.

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
endtime int64 Exclusive end time since unix epoch [ns]
cs1 float32 Corrected area of main S1 [PE]
cs2 float32 Corrected area of main S2 [PE]
alt_cs1 float32 Corrected area of alternate S1 [PE]
alt_cs2 float32 Corrected area of alternate S2 [PE]


%3 corrected_areas corrected_areas event_basics event_basics corrected_areas->event_basics event_positions event_positions corrected_areas->event_positions events events event_basics->events peak_basics peak_basics event_basics->peak_basics peak_positions peak_positions event_basics->peak_positions event_positions->event_basics events->peak_basics peaks peaks events->peaks peak_basics->peaks peak_positions->peak_basics peak_positions->peaks records records peaks->records raw_records raw_records records->raw_records pulse_counts pulse_counts pulse_counts->raw_records raw_records_ext raw_records_ext

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
allow_posts2_s1s False <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Allow S1s past the main S2 to become the main S1 and S2
allow_sloppy_chunking True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Use a default baseline for incorrectly chunked fragments. This is a kludge for improperly converted XENON1T data.
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_basics,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_positions,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
check_peak_sum_area_rtol 0.0001 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Check if the area of the sum-wf is the same as the total area (if the area of the peak is positively defined). Set to None to disable.
check_raw_record_overlaps True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
default_reconstruction_algorithm cgr <OMITTED> (event_positions,) default reconstruction algorithm that provides (x,y)
diagnose_sorting False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Enable runtime checks for sorting and disjointness
electron_drift_time_gate 1 <OMITTED> (event_positions,) Electron drift time from the gate in ns
electron_drift_velocity 0.000002 <OMITTED> (event_positions,) Vertical electron drift velocity in cm/ns (1e4 m/ms)
electron_drift_velocity 0.000002 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Vertical electron drift velocity in cm/ns (1e4 m/ms)
elife 30000 <OMITTED> (corrected_areas,) electron lifetime in [ns] (should be implemented in db soon)
event_s1_min_coincidence 0 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Event level S1 min coincidence. Should be >= s1_min_coincidence in the peaklet classification
force_alt_s2_in_max_drift_time True <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Make sure alt_s2 is in max drift time starting from main S1
force_main_before_alt False <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Make the alternate S1 (and likewise S2) the main S1 if occurs before the main S1.
gain_to_pe_array None <OMITTED> (peaks,) Gain to pe array
hit_min_amplitude xams_thresholds <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. See amstrax.hit_min_amplitude in hitfinder_thresholds.py for options.
left_event_extension 500000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the left from each triggering peak
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
max_drift_length 10 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Total length of the TPC from the bottom of gate to the top of cathode wires [cm]
n_tpc_pmts <OMITTED> 5 (records, pulse_counts) Number of TPC channels
n_tpc_pmts False 5 (peaks,) Number of channels
peak_gap_threshold 300 <OMITTED> (peaks,) No hits for this many ns triggers a new peak
peak_left_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns left of hits in peaks
peak_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_min_pmts 1 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_right_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns right of hits in peaks
peak_split_min_height 25 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum height in PE above a local sum waveformminimum, on either side, to trigger a split
peak_split_min_ratio 4 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum ratio between local sum waveformminimum and maxima on either side, to trigger a split
pmt_pulse_filter None <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Linear filter to apply to pulses, will be normalized.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
right_event_extension 50000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the right from each triggering peak
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
s1_max_area_fraction_top 0.2 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum area fraction top for S1s
s1_max_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum (IQR) width of S1s
s1_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S1s
s1_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S1s
s1_min_width 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum (IQR) width of S1s
s2_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S2s
s2_min_area_fraction_top 0 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area fraction top for S2s
s2_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S2s
s2_min_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum width for S2s
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
save_outside_hits (3, 20) <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest
single_channel_peaks False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Whether single-channel peaks should be reported
trigger_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (events,) Peaks must have more area (PE) than this to cause events



Provided by plugin: EventAreaPerChannel

Data kind: events

Simple plugin that provides area per channel for main and alternative S1/S2 in the event.

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
s1_area_per_channel ('<f4', (5,)) Area per channel for main S1
s1_length int32 Length of the interval in samples for main S1
s1_dt int32 Width of one sample for main S1 [ns]
s2_area_per_channel ('<f4', (5,)) Area per channel for main S2
s2_length int32 Length of the interval in samples for main S2
s2_dt int32 Width of one sample for main S2 [ns]
alt_s1_area_per_channel ('<f4', (5,)) Area per channel for alternative S1
alt_s1_length int32 Length of the interval in samples for alternative S1
alt_s1_dt int32 Width of one sample for alternative S1 [ns]
alt_s2_area_per_channel ('<f4', (5,)) Area per channel for alternative S2
alt_s2_length int32 Length of the interval in samples for alternative S2
alt_s2_dt int32 Width of one sample for alternative S2 [ns]
s1_n_channels int16 Main S1 count of contributing PMTs
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
endtime int64 Exclusive end time since unix epoch [ns]


%3 event_area_per_channel event_area_per_channel event_basics event_basics event_area_per_channel->event_basics peaks peaks event_area_per_channel->peaks events events event_basics->events peak_basics peak_basics event_basics->peak_basics peak_positions peak_positions event_basics->peak_positions records records peaks->records event_n_channel event_n_channel event_n_channel->event_basics event_n_channel->peaks events->peaks events->peak_basics peak_basics->peaks peak_positions->peaks peak_positions->peak_basics raw_records raw_records records->raw_records pulse_counts pulse_counts pulse_counts->raw_records raw_records_ext raw_records_ext

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
allow_posts2_s1s False <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Allow S1s past the main S2 to become the main S1 and S2
allow_sloppy_chunking True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Use a default baseline for incorrectly chunked fragments. This is a kludge for improperly converted XENON1T data.
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (event_area_per_channel, event_n_channel) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max)
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_positions,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_basics,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
check_peak_sum_area_rtol 0.0001 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Check if the area of the sum-wf is the same as the total area (if the area of the peak is positively defined). Set to None to disable.
check_raw_record_overlaps True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
diagnose_sorting False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Enable runtime checks for sorting and disjointness
electron_drift_velocity 0.000002 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Vertical electron drift velocity in cm/ns (1e4 m/ms)
event_s1_min_coincidence 0 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Event level S1 min coincidence. Should be >= s1_min_coincidence in the peaklet classification
force_alt_s2_in_max_drift_time True <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Make sure alt_s2 is in max drift time starting from main S1
force_main_before_alt False <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Make the alternate S1 (and likewise S2) the main S1 if occurs before the main S1.
gain_to_pe_array None <OMITTED> (peaks,) Gain to pe array
hit_min_amplitude xams_thresholds <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. See amstrax.hit_min_amplitude in hitfinder_thresholds.py for options.
left_event_extension 500000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the left from each triggering peak
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
max_drift_length 10 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Total length of the TPC from the bottom of gate to the top of cathode wires [cm]
n_tpc_pmts False 5 (peaks,) Number of channels
n_tpc_pmts <OMITTED> 5 (records, pulse_counts) Number of TPC channels
peak_gap_threshold 300 <OMITTED> (peaks,) No hits for this many ns triggers a new peak
peak_left_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns left of hits in peaks
peak_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_min_pmts 1 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_right_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns right of hits in peaks
peak_split_min_height 25 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum height in PE above a local sum waveformminimum, on either side, to trigger a split
peak_split_min_ratio 4 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum ratio between local sum waveformminimum and maxima on either side, to trigger a split
pmt_pulse_filter None <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Linear filter to apply to pulses, will be normalized.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
right_event_extension 50000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the right from each triggering peak
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
s1_max_area_fraction_top 0.2 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum area fraction top for S1s
s1_max_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum (IQR) width of S1s
s1_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S1s
s1_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S1s
s1_min_width 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum (IQR) width of S1s
s2_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S2s
s2_min_area_fraction_top 0 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area fraction top for S2s
s2_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S2s
s2_min_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum width for S2s
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
save_outside_hits (3, 20) <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest
single_channel_peaks False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Whether single-channel peaks should be reported
trigger_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (events,) Peaks must have more area (PE) than this to cause events



Provided by plugin: EventAreaPerChannel

Data kind: events

Simple plugin that provides area per channel for main and alternative S1/S2 in the event.

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
s1_n_channels int16 Main S1 count of contributing PMTs
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
endtime int64 Exclusive end time since unix epoch [ns]


%3 event_area_per_channel event_area_per_channel event_basics event_basics event_area_per_channel->event_basics peaks peaks event_area_per_channel->peaks events events event_basics->events peak_basics peak_basics event_basics->peak_basics peak_positions peak_positions event_basics->peak_positions records records peaks->records event_n_channel event_n_channel event_n_channel->event_basics event_n_channel->peaks events->peaks events->peak_basics peak_basics->peaks peak_positions->peaks peak_positions->peak_basics raw_records raw_records records->raw_records pulse_counts pulse_counts pulse_counts->raw_records raw_records_ext raw_records_ext

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
allow_posts2_s1s False <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Allow S1s past the main S2 to become the main S1 and S2
allow_sloppy_chunking True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Use a default baseline for incorrectly chunked fragments. This is a kludge for improperly converted XENON1T data.
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (event_area_per_channel, event_n_channel) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max)
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_positions,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_basics,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
check_peak_sum_area_rtol 0.0001 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Check if the area of the sum-wf is the same as the total area (if the area of the peak is positively defined). Set to None to disable.
check_raw_record_overlaps True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
diagnose_sorting False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Enable runtime checks for sorting and disjointness
electron_drift_velocity 0.000002 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Vertical electron drift velocity in cm/ns (1e4 m/ms)
event_s1_min_coincidence 0 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Event level S1 min coincidence. Should be >= s1_min_coincidence in the peaklet classification
force_alt_s2_in_max_drift_time True <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Make sure alt_s2 is in max drift time starting from main S1
force_main_before_alt False <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Make the alternate S1 (and likewise S2) the main S1 if occurs before the main S1.
gain_to_pe_array None <OMITTED> (peaks,) Gain to pe array
hit_min_amplitude xams_thresholds <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. See amstrax.hit_min_amplitude in hitfinder_thresholds.py for options.
left_event_extension 500000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the left from each triggering peak
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
max_drift_length 10 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Total length of the TPC from the bottom of gate to the top of cathode wires [cm]
n_tpc_pmts False 5 (peaks,) Number of channels
n_tpc_pmts <OMITTED> 5 (records, pulse_counts) Number of TPC channels
peak_gap_threshold 300 <OMITTED> (peaks,) No hits for this many ns triggers a new peak
peak_left_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns left of hits in peaks
peak_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_min_pmts 1 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_right_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns right of hits in peaks
peak_split_min_height 25 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum height in PE above a local sum waveformminimum, on either side, to trigger a split
peak_split_min_ratio 4 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum ratio between local sum waveformminimum and maxima on either side, to trigger a split
pmt_pulse_filter None <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Linear filter to apply to pulses, will be normalized.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
right_event_extension 50000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the right from each triggering peak
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
s1_max_area_fraction_top 0.2 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum area fraction top for S1s
s1_max_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum (IQR) width of S1s
s1_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S1s
s1_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S1s
s1_min_width 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum (IQR) width of S1s
s2_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S2s
s2_min_area_fraction_top 0 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area fraction top for S2s
s2_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S2s
s2_min_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum width for S2s
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
save_outside_hits (3, 20) <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest
single_channel_peaks False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Whether single-channel peaks should be reported
trigger_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (events,) Peaks must have more area (PE) than this to cause events



Provided by plugin: EventPositions

Data kind: events

Computes the observed and corrected position for the main S1/S2 pairs in an event. For XENONnT data, it returns the FDC corrected positions of the default_reconstruction_algorithm. In case the fdc_map is given as a file (not through CMT), then the coordinate system should be given as (x, y, z), not (x, y, drift_time).

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
x float32 Main interaction x-position
alt_s2_x float32 Alternative S2 interaction (rel. main S1) x-position
y float32 Main interaction y-position
alt_s2_y float32 Alternative S2 interaction (rel. main S1) y-position
r float32 Main interaction r-position
alt_s2_r float32 Alternative S2 interaction (rel. main S1) r-position
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
endtime int64 Exclusive end time since unix epoch [ns]


%3 event_positions event_positions event_basics event_basics event_positions->event_basics events events event_basics->events peak_basics peak_basics event_basics->peak_basics peak_positions peak_positions event_basics->peak_positions events->peak_basics peaks peaks events->peaks peak_basics->peaks peak_positions->peak_basics peak_positions->peaks records records peaks->records raw_records raw_records records->raw_records pulse_counts pulse_counts pulse_counts->raw_records raw_records_ext raw_records_ext

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
allow_posts2_s1s False <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Allow S1s past the main S2 to become the main S1 and S2
allow_sloppy_chunking True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Use a default baseline for incorrectly chunked fragments. This is a kludge for improperly converted XENON1T data.
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_basics,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_positions,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
check_peak_sum_area_rtol 0.0001 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Check if the area of the sum-wf is the same as the total area (if the area of the peak is positively defined). Set to None to disable.
check_raw_record_overlaps True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
default_reconstruction_algorithm cgr <OMITTED> (event_positions,) default reconstruction algorithm that provides (x,y)
diagnose_sorting False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Enable runtime checks for sorting and disjointness
electron_drift_time_gate 1 <OMITTED> (event_positions,) Electron drift time from the gate in ns
electron_drift_velocity 0.000002 <OMITTED> (event_positions,) Vertical electron drift velocity in cm/ns (1e4 m/ms)
electron_drift_velocity 0.000002 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Vertical electron drift velocity in cm/ns (1e4 m/ms)
event_s1_min_coincidence 0 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Event level S1 min coincidence. Should be >= s1_min_coincidence in the peaklet classification
force_alt_s2_in_max_drift_time True <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Make sure alt_s2 is in max drift time starting from main S1
force_main_before_alt False <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Make the alternate S1 (and likewise S2) the main S1 if occurs before the main S1.
gain_to_pe_array None <OMITTED> (peaks,) Gain to pe array
hit_min_amplitude xams_thresholds <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. See amstrax.hit_min_amplitude in hitfinder_thresholds.py for options.
left_event_extension 500000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the left from each triggering peak
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
max_drift_length 10 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Total length of the TPC from the bottom of gate to the top of cathode wires [cm]
n_tpc_pmts False 5 (peaks,) Number of channels
n_tpc_pmts <OMITTED> 5 (records, pulse_counts) Number of TPC channels
peak_gap_threshold 300 <OMITTED> (peaks,) No hits for this many ns triggers a new peak
peak_left_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns left of hits in peaks
peak_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_min_pmts 1 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_right_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns right of hits in peaks
peak_split_min_height 25 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum height in PE above a local sum waveformminimum, on either side, to trigger a split
peak_split_min_ratio 4 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum ratio between local sum waveformminimum and maxima on either side, to trigger a split
pmt_pulse_filter None <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Linear filter to apply to pulses, will be normalized.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
right_event_extension 50000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the right from each triggering peak
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
s1_max_area_fraction_top 0.2 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum area fraction top for S1s
s1_max_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum (IQR) width of S1s
s1_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S1s
s1_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S1s
s1_min_width 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum (IQR) width of S1s
s2_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S2s
s2_min_area_fraction_top 0 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area fraction top for S2s
s2_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S2s
s2_min_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum width for S2s
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
save_outside_hits (3, 20) <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest
single_channel_peaks False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Whether single-channel peaks should be reported
trigger_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (events,) Peaks must have more area (PE) than this to cause events



Provided by plugin: EventWaveform

Data kind: events

Simple plugin that provides total (data) and top (data_top) waveforms for main and

alternative S1/S2 in the event.

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
s1_data ('<f4', (200,)) Waveform for main S1 [ PE / sample ]
s1_length int32 Length of the interval in samples for main S1
s1_dt int32 Width of one sample for main S1 [ns]
s2_data ('<f4', (200,)) Waveform for main S2 [ PE / sample ]
s2_length int32 Length of the interval in samples for main S2
s2_dt int32 Width of one sample for main S2 [ns]
alt_s1_data ('<f4', (200,)) Waveform for alternative S1 [ PE / sample ]
alt_s1_length int32 Length of the interval in samples for alternative S1
alt_s1_dt int32 Width of one sample for alternative S1 [ns]
alt_s2_data ('<f4', (200,)) Waveform for alternative S2 [ PE / sample ]
alt_s2_length int32 Length of the interval in samples for alternative S2
alt_s2_dt int32 Width of one sample for alternative S2 [ns]
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
endtime int64 Exclusive end time since unix epoch [ns]


%3 event_waveform event_waveform event_basics event_basics event_waveform->event_basics peaks peaks event_waveform->peaks events events event_basics->events peak_basics peak_basics event_basics->peak_basics peak_positions peak_positions event_basics->peak_positions records records peaks->records events->peaks events->peak_basics peak_basics->peaks peak_positions->peaks peak_positions->peak_basics raw_records raw_records records->raw_records pulse_counts pulse_counts pulse_counts->raw_records raw_records_ext raw_records_ext

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
allow_posts2_s1s False <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Allow S1s past the main S2 to become the main S1 and S2
allow_sloppy_chunking True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Use a default baseline for incorrectly chunked fragments. This is a kludge for improperly converted XENON1T data.
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_positions,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_basics,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
check_peak_sum_area_rtol 0.0001 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Check if the area of the sum-wf is the same as the total area (if the area of the peak is positively defined). Set to None to disable.
check_raw_record_overlaps True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
diagnose_sorting False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Enable runtime checks for sorting and disjointness
electron_drift_velocity 0.000002 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Vertical electron drift velocity in cm/ns (1e4 m/ms)
event_s1_min_coincidence 0 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Event level S1 min coincidence. Should be >= s1_min_coincidence in the peaklet classification
force_alt_s2_in_max_drift_time True <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Make sure alt_s2 is in max drift time starting from main S1
force_main_before_alt False <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Make the alternate S1 (and likewise S2) the main S1 if occurs before the main S1.
gain_to_pe_array None <OMITTED> (peaks,) Gain to pe array
hit_min_amplitude xams_thresholds <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. See amstrax.hit_min_amplitude in hitfinder_thresholds.py for options.
left_event_extension 500000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the left from each triggering peak
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
max_drift_length 10 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Total length of the TPC from the bottom of gate to the top of cathode wires [cm]
n_tpc_pmts False 5 (peaks,) Number of channels
n_tpc_pmts <OMITTED> 5 (records, pulse_counts) Number of TPC channels
peak_gap_threshold 300 <OMITTED> (peaks,) No hits for this many ns triggers a new peak
peak_left_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns left of hits in peaks
peak_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_min_pmts 1 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_right_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns right of hits in peaks
peak_split_min_height 25 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum height in PE above a local sum waveformminimum, on either side, to trigger a split
peak_split_min_ratio 4 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum ratio between local sum waveformminimum and maxima on either side, to trigger a split
pmt_pulse_filter None <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Linear filter to apply to pulses, will be normalized.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
right_event_extension 50000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the right from each triggering peak
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
s1_max_area_fraction_top 0.2 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum area fraction top for S1s
s1_max_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum (IQR) width of S1s
s1_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S1s
s1_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S1s
s1_min_width 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum (IQR) width of S1s
s2_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S2s
s2_min_area_fraction_top 0 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area fraction top for S2s
s2_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S2s
s2_min_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum width for S2s
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
save_outside_hits (3, 20) <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest
single_channel_peaks False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Whether single-channel peaks should be reported
trigger_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (events,) Peaks must have more area (PE) than this to cause events



Provided by plugin: EventBasics

Data kind: events

Computes the basic properties of the main/alternative S1/S2 within an event.

The main S1 and alternative S1 are given by the largest two S1-Peaks within the event. The main S2 is given by the largest S2-Peak within the event, while alternative S2 is selected as the largest S2 other than main S2 in the time window [main S1 time, main S1 time + max drift time].

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
endtime int64 Exclusive end time since unix epoch [ns]
n_peaks int32 Number of peaks in the event
drift_time float32 Drift time between main S1 and S2 in ns
event_number int64 Event number in this dataset
s1_index int32 Main S1 peak index in event
alt_s1_index int32 Alternate S1 peak index in event
s1_time int64 Main S1 start time since unix epoch [ns]
alt_s1_time int64 Alternate S1 start time since unix epoch [ns]
s1_center_time int64 Main S1 weighted center time since unix epoch [ns]
alt_s1_center_time int64 Alternate S1 weighted center time since unix epoch [ns]
s1_endtime int64 Main S1 end time since unix epoch [ns]
alt_s1_endtime int64 Alternate S1 end time since unix epoch [ns]
s1_area float32 Main S1 area, uncorrected [PE]
alt_s1_area float32 Alternate S1 area, uncorrected [PE]
s1_n_channels int16 Main S1 count of contributing PMTs
alt_s1_n_channels int16 Alternate S1 count of contributing PMTs
s1_n_hits int16 Main S1 count of hits contributing at least one sample to the peak
alt_s1_n_hits int16 Alternate S1 count of hits contributing at least one sample to the peak
s1_max_pmt int16 Main S1 PMT number which contributes the most PE
alt_s1_max_pmt int16 Alternate S1 PMT number which contributes the most PE
s1_max_pmt_area float32 Main S1 area in the largest-contributing PMT (PE)
alt_s1_max_pmt_area float32 Alternate S1 area in the largest-contributing PMT (PE)
s1_range_50p_area float32 Main S1 width, 50% area [ns]
alt_s1_range_50p_area float32 Alternate S1 width, 50% area [ns]
s1_range_90p_area float32 Main S1 width, 90% area [ns]
alt_s1_range_90p_area float32 Alternate S1 width, 90% area [ns]
s1_rise_time float32 Main S1 time between 10% and 50% area quantiles [ns]
alt_s1_rise_time float32 Alternate S1 time between 10% and 50% area quantiles [ns]
s1_area_fraction_top float32 Main S1 fraction of area seen by the top PMT array
alt_s1_area_fraction_top float32 Alternate S1 fraction of area seen by the top PMT array
s1_tight_coincidence int16 Main S1 Channel within tight range of mean
alt_s1_tight_coincidence int16 Alternate S1 Channel within tight range of mean
s1_n_saturated_channels int16 Main S1 Total number of saturated channels
alt_s1_n_saturated_channels int16 Alternate S1 Total number of saturated channels
alt_s1_interaction_drift_time float32 Drift time using alternate S1 [ns]
alt_s1_delay int32 Time between main and alternate S1 [ns]
s2_index int32 Main S2 peak index in event
alt_s2_index int32 Alternate S2 peak index in event
s2_time int64 Main S2 start time since unix epoch [ns]
alt_s2_time int64 Alternate S2 start time since unix epoch [ns]
s2_center_time int64 Main S2 weighted center time since unix epoch [ns]
alt_s2_center_time int64 Alternate S2 weighted center time since unix epoch [ns]
s2_endtime int64 Main S2 end time since unix epoch [ns]
alt_s2_endtime int64 Alternate S2 end time since unix epoch [ns]
s2_area float32 Main S2 area, uncorrected [PE]
alt_s2_area float32 Alternate S2 area, uncorrected [PE]
s2_n_channels int16 Main S2 count of contributing PMTs
alt_s2_n_channels int16 Alternate S2 count of contributing PMTs
s2_n_hits int16 Main S2 count of hits contributing at least one sample to the peak
alt_s2_n_hits int16 Alternate S2 count of hits contributing at least one sample to the peak
s2_max_pmt int16 Main S2 PMT number which contributes the most PE
alt_s2_max_pmt int16 Alternate S2 PMT number which contributes the most PE
s2_max_pmt_area float32 Main S2 area in the largest-contributing PMT (PE)
alt_s2_max_pmt_area float32 Alternate S2 area in the largest-contributing PMT (PE)
s2_range_50p_area float32 Main S2 width, 50% area [ns]
alt_s2_range_50p_area float32 Alternate S2 width, 50% area [ns]
s2_range_90p_area float32 Main S2 width, 90% area [ns]
alt_s2_range_90p_area float32 Alternate S2 width, 90% area [ns]
s2_rise_time float32 Main S2 time between 10% and 50% area quantiles [ns]
alt_s2_rise_time float32 Alternate S2 time between 10% and 50% area quantiles [ns]
s2_area_fraction_top float32 Main S2 fraction of area seen by the top PMT array
alt_s2_area_fraction_top float32 Alternate S2 fraction of area seen by the top PMT array
s2_tight_coincidence int16 Main S2 Channel within tight range of mean
alt_s2_tight_coincidence int16 Alternate S2 Channel within tight range of mean
s2_n_saturated_channels int16 Main S2 Total number of saturated channels
alt_s2_n_saturated_channels int16 Alternate S2 Total number of saturated channels
alt_s2_interaction_drift_time float32 Drift time using alternate S2 [ns]
alt_s2_delay int32 Time between main and alternate S2 [ns]
s1_max_diff int32 Main S1 largest time difference between apexes of hits [ns]
alt_s1_max_diff int32 Alternate S1 largest time difference between apexes of hits [ns]
s1_min_diff int32 Main S1 smallest time difference between apexes of hits [ns]
alt_s1_min_diff int32 Alternate S1 smallest time difference between apexes of hits [ns]
s2_x float32 Main S2 reconstructed X position, uncorrected [cm]
s2_y float32 Main S2 reconstructed Y position, uncorrected [cm]
alt_s2_x float32 Alternate S2 reconstructed X position, uncorrected [cm]
alt_s2_y float32 Alternate S2 reconstructed Y position, uncorrected [cm]
area_before_main_s2 float32 Sum of areas before Main S2 [PE]
large_s2_before_main_s2 float32 The largest S2 before the Main S2 [PE]
s2_x_cgr float32 Main S2 cgr-reconstructed X position, uncorrected [cm]
s2_y_cgr float32 Main S2 cgr-reconstructed Y position, uncorrected [cm]
alt_s2_x_cgr float32 Alternate S2 cgr-reconstructed X position, uncorrected [cm]
alt_s2_y_cgr float32 Alternate S2 cgr-reconstructed Y position, uncorrected [cm]


%3 event_basics event_basics events events event_basics->events peak_basics peak_basics event_basics->peak_basics peak_positions peak_positions event_basics->peak_positions events->peak_basics peaks peaks events->peaks peak_basics->peaks peak_positions->peak_basics peak_positions->peaks records records peaks->records raw_records raw_records records->raw_records pulse_counts pulse_counts pulse_counts->raw_records raw_records_ext raw_records_ext

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
allow_posts2_s1s False <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Allow S1s past the main S2 to become the main S1 and S2
allow_sloppy_chunking True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Use a default baseline for incorrectly chunked fragments. This is a kludge for improperly converted XENON1T data.
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_basics,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_positions,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
check_peak_sum_area_rtol 0.0001 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Check if the area of the sum-wf is the same as the total area (if the area of the peak is positively defined). Set to None to disable.
check_raw_record_overlaps True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
diagnose_sorting False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Enable runtime checks for sorting and disjointness
electron_drift_velocity 0.000002 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Vertical electron drift velocity in cm/ns (1e4 m/ms)
event_s1_min_coincidence 0 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Event level S1 min coincidence. Should be >= s1_min_coincidence in the peaklet classification
force_alt_s2_in_max_drift_time True <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Make sure alt_s2 is in max drift time starting from main S1
force_main_before_alt False <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Make the alternate S1 (and likewise S2) the main S1 if occurs before the main S1.
gain_to_pe_array None <OMITTED> (peaks,) Gain to pe array
hit_min_amplitude xams_thresholds <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. See amstrax.hit_min_amplitude in hitfinder_thresholds.py for options.
left_event_extension 500000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the left from each triggering peak
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
max_drift_length 10 <OMITTED> (event_basics,) Total length of the TPC from the bottom of gate to the top of cathode wires [cm]
n_tpc_pmts <OMITTED> 5 (records, pulse_counts) Number of TPC channels
n_tpc_pmts False 5 (peaks,) Number of channels
peak_gap_threshold 300 <OMITTED> (peaks,) No hits for this many ns triggers a new peak
peak_left_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns left of hits in peaks
peak_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_min_pmts 1 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_right_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns right of hits in peaks
peak_split_min_height 25 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum height in PE above a local sum waveformminimum, on either side, to trigger a split
peak_split_min_ratio 4 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum ratio between local sum waveformminimum and maxima on either side, to trigger a split
pmt_pulse_filter None <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Linear filter to apply to pulses, will be normalized.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
right_event_extension 50000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the right from each triggering peak
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
s1_max_area_fraction_top 0.2 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum area fraction top for S1s
s1_max_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum (IQR) width of S1s
s1_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S1s
s1_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S1s
s1_min_width 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum (IQR) width of S1s
s2_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S2s
s2_min_area_fraction_top 0 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area fraction top for S2s
s2_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S2s
s2_min_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum width for S2s
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
save_outside_hits (3, 20) <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest
single_channel_peaks False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Whether single-channel peaks should be reported
trigger_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (events,) Peaks must have more area (PE) than this to cause events



Provided by plugin: PeakPositions

Data kind: peaks

(no plugin description)

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
x_cgr float32 Interaction x-position center of gravity
y_cgr float32 Interaction y-position center of gravity
r_cgr float32 radial distance from center of gravity
time int64 Start time of the peak (ns since unix epoch)
endtime int64 End time of the peak (ns since unix epoch)


%3 peak_positions peak_positions peaks peaks peak_positions->peaks peak_basics peak_basics peak_positions->peak_basics records records peaks->records peak_basics->peaks raw_records raw_records records->raw_records pulse_counts pulse_counts pulse_counts->raw_records raw_records_ext raw_records_ext

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
allow_sloppy_chunking True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Use a default baseline for incorrectly chunked fragments. This is a kludge for improperly converted XENON1T data.
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_positions,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_basics,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
check_peak_sum_area_rtol 0.0001 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Check if the area of the sum-wf is the same as the total area (if the area of the peak is positively defined). Set to None to disable.
check_raw_record_overlaps True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
diagnose_sorting False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Enable runtime checks for sorting and disjointness
gain_to_pe_array None <OMITTED> (peaks,) Gain to pe array
hit_min_amplitude xams_thresholds <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. See amstrax.hit_min_amplitude in hitfinder_thresholds.py for options.
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
n_tpc_pmts <OMITTED> 5 (records, pulse_counts) Number of TPC channels
n_tpc_pmts False 5 (peaks,) Number of channels
peak_gap_threshold 300 <OMITTED> (peaks,) No hits for this many ns triggers a new peak
peak_left_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns left of hits in peaks
peak_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_min_pmts 1 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_right_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns right of hits in peaks
peak_split_min_height 25 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum height in PE above a local sum waveformminimum, on either side, to trigger a split
peak_split_min_ratio 4 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum ratio between local sum waveformminimum and maxima on either side, to trigger a split
pmt_pulse_filter None <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Linear filter to apply to pulses, will be normalized.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
s1_max_area_fraction_top 0.2 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum area fraction top for S1s
s1_max_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum (IQR) width of S1s
s1_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S1s
s1_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S1s
s1_min_width 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum (IQR) width of S1s
s2_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S2s
s2_min_area_fraction_top 0 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area fraction top for S2s
s2_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S2s
s2_min_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum width for S2s
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
save_outside_hits (3, 20) <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest
single_channel_peaks False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Whether single-channel peaks should be reported



Provided by plugin: Events

Data kind: events

(no plugin description)

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
event_number int64 Event number in this dataset
time int64 Event start time in ns since the unix epoch
endtime int64 Event end time in ns since the unix epoch


%3 events events peaks peaks events->peaks peak_basics peak_basics events->peak_basics records records peaks->records peak_basics->peaks raw_records raw_records records->raw_records pulse_counts pulse_counts pulse_counts->raw_records raw_records_ext raw_records_ext

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
allow_sloppy_chunking True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Use a default baseline for incorrectly chunked fragments. This is a kludge for improperly converted XENON1T data.
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_basics,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
check_peak_sum_area_rtol 0.0001 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Check if the area of the sum-wf is the same as the total area (if the area of the peak is positively defined). Set to None to disable.
check_raw_record_overlaps True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
diagnose_sorting False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Enable runtime checks for sorting and disjointness
gain_to_pe_array None <OMITTED> (peaks,) Gain to pe array
hit_min_amplitude xams_thresholds <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. See amstrax.hit_min_amplitude in hitfinder_thresholds.py for options.
left_event_extension 500000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the left from each triggering peak
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
n_tpc_pmts False 5 (peaks,) Number of channels
n_tpc_pmts <OMITTED> 5 (records, pulse_counts) Number of TPC channels
peak_gap_threshold 300 <OMITTED> (peaks,) No hits for this many ns triggers a new peak
peak_left_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns left of hits in peaks
peak_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_min_pmts 1 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_right_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns right of hits in peaks
peak_split_min_height 25 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum height in PE above a local sum waveformminimum, on either side, to trigger a split
peak_split_min_ratio 4 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum ratio between local sum waveformminimum and maxima on either side, to trigger a split
pmt_pulse_filter None <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Linear filter to apply to pulses, will be normalized.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
right_event_extension 50000 <OMITTED> (events,) Extend events this many ns to the right from each triggering peak
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
s1_max_area_fraction_top 0.2 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum area fraction top for S1s
s1_max_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum (IQR) width of S1s
s1_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S1s
s1_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S1s
s1_min_width 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum (IQR) width of S1s
s2_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S2s
s2_min_area_fraction_top 0 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area fraction top for S2s
s2_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S2s
s2_min_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum width for S2s
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
save_outside_hits (3, 20) <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest
single_channel_peaks False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Whether single-channel peaks should be reported
trigger_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (events,) Peaks must have more area (PE) than this to cause events



Provided by plugin: PeakBasics

Data kind: peaks

(no plugin description)

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time of the peak (ns since unix epoch)
endtime int64 End time of the peak (ns since unix epoch)
center_time int64 Weighted center time of the peak (ns since unix epoch)
area float32 Peak integral in PE
n_hits int32 Number of hits contributing at least one sample to the peak
n_channels int16 Number of PMTs contributing to the peak
max_pmt int16 PMT number which contributes the most PE
max_pmt_area float32 Area of signal in the largest-contributing PMT (PE)
n_saturated_channels int16 Total number of saturated channels
range_50p_area float32 Width (in ns) of the central 50% area of the peak
range_90p_area float32 Width (in ns) of the central 90% area of the peak
area_fraction_top float32 Fraction of area seen by the top array (NaN for peaks with non-positive area)
length int32 Length of the peak waveform in samples
dt int16 Time resolution of the peak waveform in ns
rise_time float32 Time between 10% and 50% area quantiles [ns]
tight_coincidence int16 Number of PMTs with hits within tight range of mean
type int16 Type of peak (s1 or s2)


%3 peak_basics peak_basics peaks peaks peak_basics->peaks records records peaks->records raw_records raw_records records->raw_records pulse_counts pulse_counts pulse_counts->raw_records raw_records_ext raw_records_ext

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
allow_sloppy_chunking True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Use a default baseline for incorrectly chunked fragments. This is a kludge for improperly converted XENON1T data.
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_basics,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
check_peak_sum_area_rtol 0.0001 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Check if the area of the sum-wf is the same as the total area (if the area of the peak is positively defined). Set to None to disable.
check_raw_record_overlaps True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
diagnose_sorting False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Enable runtime checks for sorting and disjointness
gain_to_pe_array None <OMITTED> (peaks,) Gain to pe array
hit_min_amplitude xams_thresholds <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. See amstrax.hit_min_amplitude in hitfinder_thresholds.py for options.
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
n_tpc_pmts <OMITTED> 5 (records, pulse_counts) Number of TPC channels
n_tpc_pmts False 5 (peaks,) Number of channels
peak_gap_threshold 300 <OMITTED> (peaks,) No hits for this many ns triggers a new peak
peak_left_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns left of hits in peaks
peak_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_min_pmts 1 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_right_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns right of hits in peaks
peak_split_min_height 25 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum height in PE above a local sum waveformminimum, on either side, to trigger a split
peak_split_min_ratio 4 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum ratio between local sum waveformminimum and maxima on either side, to trigger a split
pmt_pulse_filter None <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Linear filter to apply to pulses, will be normalized.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
s1_max_area_fraction_top 0.2 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum area fraction top for S1s
s1_max_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Maximum (IQR) width of S1s
s1_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S1s
s1_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S1s
s1_min_width 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum (IQR) width of S1s
s2_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area (PE) for S2s
s2_min_area_fraction_top 0 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum area fraction top for S2s
s2_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum number of channels for S2s
s2_min_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics,) Minimum width for S2s
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
save_outside_hits (3, 20) <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest
single_channel_peaks False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Whether single-channel peaks should be reported



Provided by plugin: Peaks

Data kind: peaks

(no plugin description)

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
length int32 Length of the interval in samples
dt int32 Width of one sample [ns]
channel int16 Channel/PMT number
type int8 Classification of the peak(let)
area float32 Integral across channels [PE]
area_per_channel ('<f4', (5,)) Integral per channel [PE]
n_hits int32 Number of hits contributing at least one sample to the peak
data ('<f4', (200,)) Waveform data in PE/sample (not PE/ns!)
data_top ('<f4', (200,)) Waveform data in PE/sample (not PE/ns!), top array
width ('<f4', (11,)) Peak widths in range of central area fraction [ns]
area_decile_from_midpoint ('<f4', (11,)) Peak widths: time between nth and 5th area decile [ns]
saturated_channel ('i1', (5,)) Does the channel reach ADC saturation?
n_saturated_channels int16 Total number of saturated channels
tight_coincidence int16 Channel within tight range of mean
max_gap int32 Largest gap between hits inside peak [ns]
max_goodness_of_split float32 Maximum interior goodness of split
max_diff int32 Largest time difference between apexes of hits inside peak [ns]
min_diff int32 Smallest time difference between apexes of hits inside peak [ns]


%3 peaks peaks records records peaks->records raw_records raw_records records->raw_records pulse_counts pulse_counts pulse_counts->raw_records raw_records_ext raw_records_ext

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
allow_sloppy_chunking True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Use a default baseline for incorrectly chunked fragments. This is a kludge for improperly converted XENON1T data.
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
check_raw_record_overlaps True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
diagnose_sorting False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Enable runtime checks for sorting and disjointness
gain_to_pe_array None <OMITTED> (peaks,) Gain to pe array
hit_min_amplitude xams_thresholds <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. See amstrax.hit_min_amplitude in hitfinder_thresholds.py for options.
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
n_tpc_pmts False 5 (peaks,) Number of channels
n_tpc_pmts <OMITTED> 5 (records, pulse_counts) Number of TPC channels
peak_gap_threshold 300 <OMITTED> (peaks,) No hits for this many ns triggers a new peak
peak_left_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns left of hits in peaks
peak_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_min_pmts 1 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_right_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Include this many ns right of hits in peaks
peak_split_min_height 25 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum height in PE above a local sum waveformminimum, on either side, to trigger a split
peak_split_min_ratio 4 <OMITTED> (peaks,) Minimum ratio between local sum waveformminimum and maxima on either side, to trigger a split
pmt_pulse_filter None <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Linear filter to apply to pulses, will be normalized.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
save_outside_hits (3, 20) <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest
single_channel_peaks False <OMITTED> (peaks,) Whether single-channel peaks should be reported



Provided by plugin: PeakBasicsEXT

Data kind: peaks_ext

(no plugin description)

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time of the peak (ns since unix epoch)
endtime int64 End time of the peak (ns since unix epoch)
center_time int64 Weighted center time of the peak (ns since unix epoch)
area float32 Peak integral in PE
n_hits int32 Number of hits contributing at least one sample to the peak
n_channels int16 Number of PMTs contributing to the peak
max_pmt int16 PMT number which contributes the most PE
max_pmt_area float32 Area of signal in the largest-contributing PMT (PE)
n_saturated_channels int16 Total number of saturated channels
range_50p_area float32 Width (in ns) of the central 50% area of the peak
range_90p_area float32 Width (in ns) of the central 90% area of the peak
area_fraction_top float32 Fraction of area seen by the top array (NaN for peaks with non-positive area)
length int32 Length of the peak waveform in samples
dt int16 Time resolution of the peak waveform in ns
rise_time float32 Time between 10% and 50% area quantiles [ns]
tight_coincidence int16 Number of PMTs with hits within tight range of mean
type int16 Type of peak (s1 or s2)


%3 peak_basics_ext peak_basics_ext peaks_ext peaks_ext peak_basics_ext->peaks_ext records_ext records_ext peaks_ext->records_ext raw_records_ext raw_records_ext records_ext->raw_records_ext raw_records raw_records

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records_ext,) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (peak_basics_ext,) Map of channel numbers to top, bottom and aqmon, to be defined in the context
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
check_peak_sum_area_rtol 0.0001 <OMITTED> (peak_basics_ext,) Check if the area of the sum-wf is the same as the total area (if the area of the peak is positively defined). Set to None to disable.
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
diagnose_sorting False <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Enable runtime checks for sorting and disjointness
gain_to_pe_array None <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Gain to pe array
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
n_tpc_pmts False 5 (peaks_ext,) Number of channels
peak_gap_threshold 300 <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) No hits for this many ns triggers a new peak
peak_left_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Include this many ns left of hits in peaks
peak_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_min_pmts 1 <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_right_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Include this many ns right of hits in peaks
peak_split_min_height 25 <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Minimum height in PE above a local sum waveformminimum, on either side, to trigger a split
peak_split_min_ratio 4 <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Minimum ratio between local sum waveformminimum and maxima on either side, to trigger a split
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
s1_max_area_fraction_top 0.2 <OMITTED> (peak_basics_ext,) Maximum area fraction top for S1s
s1_max_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics_ext,) Maximum (IQR) width of S1s
s1_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics_ext,) Minimum area (PE) for S1s
s1_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics_ext,) Minimum number of channels for S1s
s1_min_width 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics_ext,) Minimum (IQR) width of S1s
s2_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peak_basics_ext,) Minimum area (PE) for S2s
s2_min_area_fraction_top 0 <OMITTED> (peak_basics_ext,) Minimum area fraction top for S2s
s2_min_channels 5 <OMITTED> (peak_basics_ext,) Minimum number of channels for S2s
s2_min_width 225 <OMITTED> (peak_basics_ext,) Minimum width for S2s
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
single_channel_peaks False <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Whether single-channel peaks should be reported



Provided by plugin: PulseProcessing

Data kind: records

Get the specific raw_records of the measurements (raw_records_v1724 or raw_records_v1730) and split the raw_records into: - records - pulse_counts Apply basic pulse processing:

  1. Flip the pulse if it is necessary (only for the PMT pulse)

  2. Calculate the baseline and integrate the waveform

  3. Find hits

  4. Filter the record and cut outside the hit bounds

pulse_counts holds some average information for the individual PMT channels for each chunk of raw_records. This includes e.g. number of recorded pulses, lone_pulses (pulses which do not overlap with any other pulse), or mean values of baseline and baseline rms channel.

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
length int32 Length of the interval in samples
dt int16 Width of one sample [ns]
channel int16 Channel/PMT number
pulse_length int32 Length of pulse to which the record belongs (without zero-padding)
record_i int16 Fragment number in the pulse
area int32 Integral in ADC counts x samples
reduction_level uint8 Level of data reduction applied (strax.ReductionLevel enum)
baseline float32 Baseline in ADC counts. data = int(baseline) - data_orig
baseline_rms float32 Baseline RMS in ADC counts. data = baseline - data_orig
amplitude_bit_shift int16 Multiply data by 2**(this number). Baseline is unaffected.
data ('<i2', (110,)) Waveform data in raw counts above integer part of baseline


%3 records records raw_records raw_records records->raw_records pulse_counts pulse_counts pulse_counts->raw_records raw_records_ext raw_records_ext

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
allow_sloppy_chunking True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Use a default baseline for incorrectly chunked fragments. This is a kludge for improperly converted XENON1T data.
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
check_raw_record_overlaps True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
hit_min_amplitude xams_thresholds <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. See amstrax.hit_min_amplitude in hitfinder_thresholds.py for options.
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
n_tpc_pmts <OMITTED> 5 (records, pulse_counts) Number of TPC channels
pmt_pulse_filter None <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Linear filter to apply to pulses, will be normalized.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
save_outside_hits (3, 20) <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest



Provided by plugin: PulseProcessing

Data kind: pulse_counts

Get the specific raw_records of the measurements (raw_records_v1724 or raw_records_v1730) and split the raw_records into: - records - pulse_counts Apply basic pulse processing:

  1. Flip the pulse if it is necessary (only for the PMT pulse)

  2. Calculate the baseline and integrate the waveform

  3. Find hits

  4. Filter the record and cut outside the hit bounds

pulse_counts holds some average information for the individual PMT channels for each chunk of raw_records. This includes e.g. number of recorded pulses, lone_pulses (pulses which do not overlap with any other pulse), or mean values of baseline and baseline rms channel.

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time of the chunk
endtime int64 End time of the chunk
pulse_count ('<i8', (5,)) Number of pulses
lone_pulse_count ('<i8', (5,)) Number of lone pulses
pulse_area ('<i8', (5,)) Integral of all pulses in ADC_count x samples
lone_pulse_area ('<i8', (5,)) Integral of lone pulses in ADC_count x samples
baseline_mean ('<i2', (5,)) Average baseline
baseline_rms_mean ('<f4', (5,)) Average baseline rms


%3 records records raw_records raw_records records->raw_records pulse_counts pulse_counts pulse_counts->raw_records raw_records_ext raw_records_ext

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
allow_sloppy_chunking True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Use a default baseline for incorrectly chunked fragments. This is a kludge for improperly converted XENON1T data.
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
check_raw_record_overlaps True <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
hit_min_amplitude xams_thresholds <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. See amstrax.hit_min_amplitude in hitfinder_thresholds.py for options.
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
n_tpc_pmts <OMITTED> 5 (records, pulse_counts) Number of TPC channels
pmt_pulse_filter None <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Linear filter to apply to pulses, will be normalized.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
save_outside_hits (3, 20) <OMITTED> (records, pulse_counts) Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest



Provided by plugin: PeaksEXT

Data kind: peaks_ext

(no plugin description)

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
length int32 Length of the interval in samples
dt int32 Width of one sample [ns]
channel int16 Channel/PMT number
type int8 Classification of the peak(let)
area float32 Integral across channels [PE]
area_per_channel ('<f4', (5,)) Integral per channel [PE]
n_hits int32 Number of hits contributing at least one sample to the peak
data ('<f4', (200,)) Waveform data in PE/sample (not PE/ns!)
data_top ('<f4', (200,)) Waveform data in PE/sample (not PE/ns!), top array
width ('<f4', (11,)) Peak widths in range of central area fraction [ns]
area_decile_from_midpoint ('<f4', (11,)) Peak widths: time between nth and 5th area decile [ns]
saturated_channel ('i1', (5,)) Does the channel reach ADC saturation?
n_saturated_channels int16 Total number of saturated channels
tight_coincidence int16 Channel within tight range of mean
max_gap int32 Largest gap between hits inside peak [ns]
max_goodness_of_split float32 Maximum interior goodness of split
max_diff int32 Largest time difference between apexes of hits inside peak [ns]
min_diff int32 Smallest time difference between apexes of hits inside peak [ns]


%3 peaks_ext peaks_ext records_ext records_ext peaks_ext->records_ext raw_records_ext raw_records_ext records_ext->raw_records_ext raw_records raw_records

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records_ext,) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
diagnose_sorting False <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Enable runtime checks for sorting and disjointness
gain_to_pe_array None <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Gain to pe array
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
n_tpc_pmts False 5 (peaks_ext,) Number of channels
peak_gap_threshold 300 <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) No hits for this many ns triggers a new peak
peak_left_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Include this many ns left of hits in peaks
peak_min_area 10 <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_min_pmts 1 <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Minimum contributing PMTs needed to define a peak
peak_right_extension 10 <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Include this many ns right of hits in peaks
peak_split_min_height 25 <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Minimum height in PE above a local sum waveformminimum, on either side, to trigger a split
peak_split_min_ratio 4 <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Minimum ratio between local sum waveformminimum and maxima on either side, to trigger a split
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
single_channel_peaks False <OMITTED> (peaks_ext,) Whether single-channel peaks should be reported



Provided by plugin: PulseProcessingEXT

Data kind: records_ext

Plugin which performs the pulse processing steps: 1. Baseline subtraction 2. Pulse splitting 3. Pulse merging 4. Pulse counting 5. Pulse length and area calculation

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
length int32 Length of the interval in samples
dt int16 Width of one sample [ns]
channel int16 Channel/PMT number
pulse_length int32 Length of pulse to which the record belongs (without zero-padding)
record_i int16 Fragment number in the pulse
area int32 Integral in ADC counts x samples
reduction_level uint8 Level of data reduction applied (strax.ReductionLevel enum)
baseline float32 Baseline in ADC counts. data = int(baseline) - data_orig
baseline_rms float32 Baseline RMS in ADC counts. data = baseline - data_orig
amplitude_bit_shift int16 Multiply data by 2**(this number). Baseline is unaffected.
data ('<i2', (110,)) Waveform data in raw counts above integer part of baseline


%3 records_ext records_ext raw_records_ext raw_records_ext records_ext->raw_records_ext raw_records raw_records

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
baseline_samples 40 <OMITTED> (records_ext,) Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.



Provided by plugin: DAQReader

Data kind: raw_records_ext

Read the XENONnT DAQ-live_data from redax and split it to the appropriate raw_record data-

types based on the channel-map.

Does nothing whatsoever to the live_data; not even baselining.

  • raw_records: (tpc)raw_records.

  • raw_records_ext: (external)raw_records.

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
length int32 Length of the interval in samples
dt int16 Width of one sample [ns]
channel int16 Channel/PMT number
pulse_length int32 Length of pulse to which the record belongs (without zero-padding)
record_i int16 Fragment number in the pulse
baseline int16 Baseline determined by the digitizer (if this is supported)
data ('<i2', (110,)) Waveform data in raw ADC counts


%3 raw_records_ext raw_records_ext raw_records raw_records

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.



Provided by plugin: DAQReader

Data kind: raw_records

Read the XENONnT DAQ-live_data from redax and split it to the appropriate raw_record data-

types based on the channel-map.

Does nothing whatsoever to the live_data; not even baselining.

  • raw_records: (tpc)raw_records.

  • raw_records_ext: (external)raw_records.

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
length int32 Length of the interval in samples
dt int16 Width of one sample [ns]
channel int16 Channel/PMT number
pulse_length int32 Length of pulse to which the record belongs (without zero-padding)
record_i int16 Fragment number in the pulse
baseline int16 Baseline determined by the digitizer (if this is supported)
data ('<i2', (110,)) Waveform data in raw ADC counts


%3 raw_records_ext raw_records_ext raw_records raw_records

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current applies_to help
channel_map <OMITTED> (bottom, top, external, aqmon) (raw_records_ext, raw_records) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Number of samples per raw_record
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) time of start run (s since unix epoch)
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> (raw_records_ext, raw_records) Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.